
Ron T. - 2019-08-09
I did not enjoy the feeling, and I had very disturbing dreams. However, I did feel more alert during the day, but the night time price paid was too high. Thanks!
Javier W. - 2019-07-30
Ive been taking qualia for a week now and truthfully I have noticed zero effects. I'm not sure why because everyone seems to benefit from this based on reviews. I got this to help with a.d.d and balanced mood but i dont think its working honestly still have hopes up but day by day im noticing nothing.
Shane M. - 2019-07-21
I have tried quite a few different nootropics and all of them have done absolutely nothing for me, I finally decided to try your very expensive product because you get what you pay for but after using your product for the past 2 months I came to the conclusion that nootropics including your brand are nothing but placebos, absolutely nothing has improved for my, not my focus, attention span, consideration... Just disappointments
Dylan M. - 2019-07-04
I'm disappointed by the product. Pricy and did not notice any effects. Wouldn't recommend. If possible I would like a refund.
Jaylin W. - 2019-07-01
I was taking 7 of them every morning I woke up and. . . I wanted them to work. . . I would get kinda this kind of rush shortly after taking them but after that, BLAH. Everything normal, I only took them like that for a week I dont know if it takes time for it to start. I was just thinking because they were so expensive they should work... lol if Qualia gives me a new month supply on them with a plan on exactly how I should be taking it for them to work then I'll buy them forever, I was lookin...Read more.
Justin M. - 2019-06-17
Unfortunately, I did not experience any of the advertised benefits of Qualia Mind. I was hoping the premium price tag would ensure premium results. This was not the case for me. I understand results do in fact vary from person to person. Some people respond and some do not. I hope that the people posting positive reviews will continue to experience their personal benefits.
Daniel F. - 2018-10-07
To be honest no big deal really. No "a-ha" moments. My new job (as an RN) requires me to work 7am-7pm shifts, a long, 12-hour work day. I take Qualia at 5:30 am on an empty stomach as requested and wait an hour before eating. During that hour nothing much happens. I'm glad to say I don't feel like going back to bed again, but I don't feel like I'm motivated to start my day yet either. So basically, a mild if anything return after taking it. It has only been about 12 days, so maybe it is too s...Read more.
Anna C. - 2018-09-14
didn't feel any improvement
Anna C. - 2018-09-14
Do not have any improvement in performance
Steve L. - 2018-08-30
I have been taking life extension Counties and Memory Protect for years. I discontinued those products to give Qualia a try. The results have not been good - my recall has significantly degraded. I'll give it another month to see how it performs, but so far I am disappointed and wish I had not stopped my life extension products.
Bernadette D. - 2018-08-22
It's been 10 days now - followed the instructions and took the 2 days off, taking correct dosage, and can't say I feel either increased energy or any change at all in pretty much anything.
Peter D. - 2018-06-15
Been using for a week now but haven't noticed any real effects as of yet either cognitively nor focus nor energy. Will give it another couple of weeks and then re review. Taking 7 in morning on empty stomach.
Richard B. - 2018-05-15
I have not yet noticed any difference.
Dennis D. - 2018-03-08
I took the pills as directed for 2 weeks and experienced no real impact, except for a light buzzing. I was hoping for something miraculous, like the many reviews that I read. I look forward to using my money back guarantee.
LINDA O. - 2018-02-25
No difference
Maria M. - 2018-02-21
I have been taking it as it says on bottles and felt no differnce mentally or emotionally or physically, may work for others but it did not work for me.
Othman L. - 2018-02-17
I have not seen any difference besides a feeling of uncomforte headache
Sergio G. - 2018-02-05
i have started as directed but have felt no improvement. I will continue the treatment as recommended.
Josh W. - 2020-03-30 | Beta Tester
Well, my experience was not the best. I had issues with sleep and was forced to cut the dose in half. I do believe that external job stressors may have been a contributing factor. I would be open to trying again.
Gregory B. - 2018-05-16
It’s the best out hands down.