Jesse R. reviewed Qualia Resilience

about 1 year ago

Great stuff

I've been taking resilience for a while now. It has been really good. I feel solid and a decent difference in my over all energy and performance.

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Ken B. July 26, 2022


The primary benefits which I noticed were that it seemed to regulate my overall mood in a gnerally positive way in addition to helping to boost my overall cognitive capacity.

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Kristi A. October 22, 2022

Resilience - Great Ingredients

I have every hope that this will help me with my stress level due to the ingredients that are in it. I've had some success with these ingredients in the past, but I think this will make it easier for me to be more consistent about taking it since it's all in one formula.

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Patrick K. February 16, 2022

A product worth trying to help regulate stress responses.

The effects of the product overall were faint, but noticeable. My mood and outlook were slightly improved, keeping my overall stress levels at bay. I'd be curious to try it on a longer termed basis to get a better feeling for it's intended benefit.

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Edwardo L. July 27, 2022

Set a higher Baseline!

Another amazing product! After taking it, I realized I had more control of myself when working through difficult emotions. I tend to be a moody person, so my emotions jump from state in moment’s notice. I felt more present after taking Resilience, and as a result I was able to ride my emotional w...

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