Articles in Brain Health

What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

The gut and brain are constantly communicating and influencing each other. This interaction is called the gut-brain axis. It means that what goes on in the gut can affect how the brain performs, influencing how we think, feel and behave. In this article, we explore the gut-brain connection and how the brain and the gut, our second brain, influence each other.

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Qualia Resilience Pilot Study

Qualia Resilience Pilot Study

During the development of Qualia Resilience, Neurohacker Collective put our newest product to the test to find out how users would respond. Spoiler Alert: Results were really good.

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The Role of the Gut-Brain Axis in Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis

The Role of the Gut-Brain Axis in Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis

In this article, we will take a look at the role of the gut microbiota and the gut-brain axis in metabolism and energy homeostasis. We will learn how food-derived chemical signals—nutrients and microbial metabolites—are translated in the gut into endocrine and neural signals that convey information about the caloric load and composition of a meal to the brain.

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Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Everyone can benefit from acquiring a general understanding of our innate Reticular Activating System, as it is central to how, when, and why we focus on something.

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What is Hordenine HCl? A Definition and 4 Benefits of this Nootropic Nutrient

What is Hordenine HCl? A Definition and 4 Benefits of this Nootropic Nutrient

Hordenine HCl brings some notable benefits to the table, which is a substantial reason for its rise in popularity among biohackers and neurohackers. Hordenine can be a fairly versatile nutrient that can bring substantial value to any nootropic stack, supporting human system function at an optimal level.

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A Q&A with the Founder of an Innovative Residential Care Facility

A Q&A with the Founder of an Innovative Residential Care Facility

Dementia is one of the top causes of dependency and mental impairment in our elderly population. Dr. Heather Sandison was looking for residential care facilities where they were serving organic food and incorporating Dr. Bredesen’s insights for dementia patients, but couldn't find one. As a result, she founded one of the first residential care facilities where dementia patients can immerse themselves in the lifestyle described by Dr. Bredesen in his book “The End of Alzheimer’s”. Read on for a Q&A on the MARAMA experience. 

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4 Reasons Your Nootropic Should Include Hordenine HCl

4 Reasons Your Nootropic Should Include Hordenine HCl

When discussing nootropics, several are usually the first to come to mind. Hordenine HCl (hordenine hydrochloride) is only just starting to come to the forefront of the nootropic movement. Research is still in the early stages, and we’re only beginning to understand the kinds of benefits hordenine provides.

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Your Mental Energy Makes All the Difference

Your Mental Energy Makes All the Difference

It’s a commonly accepted truth that how well you do a thing will be a direct result of the amount of effort you are willing to put into doing the thing. Whether it’s work or a workout ... a conversation with someone or time alone on your computer … meditation or watching a movie ... You will only get out what you are willing to put in. And the thing you need to invest, to get the most out of anything you do, is mental effort. 

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The Story Behind the Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot Formula

The Story Behind the Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot Formula

Qualia Nootropic Energy was designed to support mental energy, the resource you need to apply the effort needed to accomplish more of the things that are most important to you.  Learn more about the design and science behind the latest in our premier Qualia line of nootropics.

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The Science of Nootropic Stacks: Achieving a Whole System Upgrade

The Science of Nootropic Stacks: Achieving a Whole System Upgrade

Nootropics are active compounds that act on the central nervous system to enhance cognitive function. There are myriad compounds with nootropic activity, each targeting different elements of the vast assortment of processes that give rise to cognitive function.

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 How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

New areas of neuroscience are looking from the bottom-up, focusing on how the gut impacts the brain. These findings and more have earned our gut microbiome the nickname “the second brain.”

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How Gratitude Helps Your Brain for the Good

How Gratitude Helps Your Brain for the Good

Knowledge of what the brain is doing during the experience of gratitude provides a window into gratitude’s relationship to mental health and resilience. This is your brain on gratitude.

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The Power of the Brain-Body Connection - A Q&A With Aaron Alexander, Author of The Align Method

The Power of the Brain-Body Connection - A Q&A With Aaron Alexander, Author of The Align Method

Explore the power and science of the brain-body connection.

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How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

Can scents really impact cognitive performance? Discover the intriguing link between incorporating a nightly aromatherapy and its impact on cognitive performance, assessed through a standard memory test.

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What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. This and many other aspects of cognitive function inspired our science team formulate Qualia Mind, and provide the most broad support for human brain health in a once-a-day vegan formula. The science behind neuroplasticity, and the role environment and behavior plays in it, warrant a closer look, so we can support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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What are Nootropics?

What are Nootropics?

Nootropics. You might have heard of them. The “limitless pill” that keeps Billionaires rich. The ‘smart drugs’ that students are taking to help boost their hyperfocus. The cognitive enhancers that give corporate executives an advantage. All very exciting. But as always, the media are way behind the curve. 

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Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

From air and water filters, to therapy lights, to exercise tools this list has a little of everything for neurohackers.

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10 Clues That Your Screen Time Behavior is Impacting Your Vision

10 Clues That Your Screen Time Behavior is Impacting Your Vision

High amounts of screen time cause the body to give us vision- and quite often posture-related feedback clues. It can also impact thinking and mood. Let’s focus on the visual system, because clues in this area are a common type of feedback, and an indication of visual system stress.

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The Formulator's View of Qualia Mind Ingredients

The Formulator's View of Qualia Mind Ingredients

When choosing ingredients to include in Qualia Mind, Neurohacker Collective relied on scientific research and the N of 1 experiences of biohackers and the nootropic community. In this blog post, we’ll share some of the reasons why we included each ingredient and how individually they contribute to the overall nootropic experiences Qualia Mind was formulated to deliver.

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6 Science-Backed Foods For Brain Fog

6 Science-Backed Foods For Brain Fog

Many factors can contribute to brain fog, such as underlying illness, oxidative stress, lack of sleep, hormonal issues, dehydration, and perhaps the most unexpected and underlying cause of brain fog: our diet.

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Qualia Vision Survey Results

Qualia Vision Survey Results

During the development of Qualia Vision, volunteers with high amounts of daily screen time agreed to take the product and give feedback about their experiences of screen time eye strain issues. Here are the survey results.

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What is Vision?

What is Vision?

Vision is the process through which light stimuli received through the eyes are transformed into a mental image by the brain. It is our sense of sight. This process is accomplished by the visual system, the sensory system that enables vision, which includes the eyes—the sensory organ for vision—and the neuronal visual pathways of the brain, from the retinas to the cerebral cortex.

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How Music, Art & Neurotech Create Altered States of Consciousness

How Music, Art & Neurotech Create Altered States of Consciousness

This is part 3 in a 3 part series exploring tools and practices reviewed in Stealing Fire, all designed to shift your state of consciousness and unlock new realms of human possibility. We’ve already covered ways to reprogram our psychology and tweak our neurobiology.

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The Formulator's View of the Qualia Vision Ingredients

The Formulator's View of the Qualia Vision Ingredients

Qualia Vision combines eye-healthy plant pigments, super fruit extracts, colorful spices, antioxidants, taurine, and vitamin B12. In this blog post, we’ll share some of the reasons why we included each ingredient in Qualia Vision.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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